Our core business

Génétique n.f. Partie de la biologie qui étudie les lois de l'hérédité


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The creation of genetic progress in our breeders

hycole genetics scheme

Female lines are selected for their maternal criteria:

Fertility, number of live births, litter homogeneity, females’ milk yield , weaning weight.

Male lines are mainly selected to ensure the reliability of the fattening viability of the offspring as well as their growth and carcass yield.

Heredity in the lagomorph is defined by the effect of heterosis, our work therefore consists of naturally selecting the breeders to give birth to rabbits that meet the breeder’s expectations. For health reasons and rigorous monitoring of the animals, we inseminate females, always in compliance with good welfare practices.

Then, nature does things and we pass it on to you, with the greatest care

We take care of life

From birth to weaning, until adulthood, we take care of life to multiply it.

Careful selection and preparation

Our breeders are selected according to criteria of fertility, homogeneous growth and yield .

At each stage, operations are entered and recorded then checked again in order to guarantee our customers breeding stock of optimal quality.

Shipping & Delivery

Shipping in standardized packaging, sorting, delivery by us or specialized transport, rabbits or adults 10 weeks, 3 months, stock ready to inseminate

Our professional certifications and

Welfare is at the heart of our approach

Welfare is at the heart of our approach Our teams are trained above all to care for animals and respect their natural needs. We are involved in the charter of good breeding practices and certified by state organizations.

We are also pioneers in many areas such as demedication, which we began to study in the late 1990s.